Wednesday, March 16, 2011

5 reasons to BUNK your class

Although it sounds against the normal(good) culture, but there are certain incentives to it. Bunking a class(or classes) can actually improve your performance and various other parameters. Here are 5 reasons on why should break the rule and go out, when you are not supposed to go.
  1. Independence
    1. An independent person can only lead a successful life. If he/she has independent ideas and thinking it’ll become easier for him to take decisions in future.
  2. Improved academics performance
    1. If you bunk your class, you won’t know how a particular problem has been solved, or how a particular thing works. So what if you were absent. You will spend more time with the books and hence use your brains. So you are not just a robot.
  3. Good relationship with teachers
    1. When you bunk, you don’t get attendance. So you go up to your teachers for some help (jugaad). So the harmony between the teacher and the student increases
  4. Fun
    1. The most obvious reason is fun. Increase your awareness by spending quality time with your friends.
  5. Peace
    1. Yes,you get peace. The cacophonous class can make you distasteful and hence make you more irritable. So you get what the world wants, “peace “