Monday, April 21, 2014

Movie Review: 1 By Two

1 By Two:

1 By Two is a psychic thriller directed by Arun Kumar Aravind.

About the Movie:
The story story revolves round the death of Hari (Murali Gopi) in an accident who is a doctor, who has a twin brother Ravi (Murali Gopi) who tries and fail to suicide and acclaims that he is Hari. Everyone believe Hari is dead expect for Dr.Prema (Honey Rose) his girlfriend who is so sure that its Ravi that is dead, and Hari is still alive. Confusion revolve around. While the pre investigation of accident, the newly deputed CI Yusuf Marikar (Fahad Fazil) takes a look in the accident zone. But when reports comes out, it is written Ravi is the demised person. Yusuf saw this and asks for FIR, and finds out that the whole case is cooked up story by department by the influence of their family. He now starts an investigation by himself, and makes this too much personal. The story slowly takes into the reasons for Yusuf being too attached about this case and the real thing happened in accident.

Behind the Scenes:
Arun Kumar Aravind with his 4th venture again gives us a different movie with different treatment. But this time made it more confusing.
JeyaMohan with the script gave a thriller with lot of suspense in it, but made more confusion in it.
Cinematography by Jomon Thomas was excellent.
Editing by Arun Kumar Aravind was not the best he did, could have made it lot simple.
Music by Gopi Sundar was ok, the one song was pretty good to hear.

About the Cast:
Murali Gopi was at his best and dominated the whole movie as twins. Like his father he has his own style in acting, which outplayed all.
Fahad Fazil as yusuf Marikar did justice to his character, but he looked more confused throughout. His acting skills were not challenged by any means.
Honey Rose as Dr.Prema also looked confused throughout, but she just did what her character asked. Special mention for her confidence to take up this role.
Shyamprasad as Dr.Cheriyan debuted as an actor and did his part excellent, the second best actor in the movie.
Abhinaya as Raziya had nothing much to do, we will doubt what was her need in this, but she always amaze me with her acting within her limitations. she is excellent.
Lot of Casting in the movie, many has nothing to do, which is one failure with casting.

Should You Watch:
With lot of sensual scenes, and confusing story the movie is not appealing though the story was suspense filled. The whole treatment looks failed to attract people and we may need to learn little of psychiatry to understand the whole situation. Movie is about 2 and Half hours which makes it more lagging, it may take your nerves to extent. On the other side, a new style with hats off performance form Murali Gopi which is a treat to watch, and bold Honey Rose and some various mental thoughts of different roles, the movie is different of its kind.
As always final decision is yours :D

My Ratings: 3.5/5

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